Dyslexia.com Shop has a New URL

As part of our current program of web site and server upgrades, the Dyslexia.com shop has been moved to http://shop.dyslexia.com/

There are no other changes to the web shop. User names, passwords, and account records are preserved. All links to the old URL should be automatically forwarded to the new siteagain, without change.

The only problems that you may encounter are:

  1. If you have saved your user name and password in your browser or using a password manager, you may be asked to re-enter this information when you first come to the web site.
  2. If you had saved items in your shopping cart but had not yet placed an order, your shopping cart will be empty. That is because thecookiethat was used to retain your cart settings will not match the new URL.

These are one-time issues and you will not have problems in the future, once you have re-entered your account login information or replaced the items in your cart.

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