Дислексией Результаты опроса Преимущество

Доктора. Brock and Fernette Eide of Dyslexic Advantage have released preliminary survey results exploring a wide range of dyslexic gifts and talents.

Опрос спросил подробные вопросы о мыслительных и обучения предпочтений участников опроса. The preliminary results have been published in a set of four e-books, viewable online, contrasting the responses of those who identified as “definitely dyslexic” with those who reported they are definitely не dyslexic.


This comprehensive survey provides further validation of Davis theories, specifically as to the “8 basic abilitieshighlighted in Chapter 1 of the Gift of Dyslexiawhich the Eides have reformulated as four broad categories of reasoning skills. (“MIND” – standing for Material, Interconnected, Narrative, and Dynamic).

More information is available here:

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One Response to Дислексией Результаты опроса Преимущество

  1. Tessa H. говорит:

    Some questions clearly show the difference between dyslexic and non-dyslexic thinking that wholly support the approach of the Davis programmes.
    I can’t wait for the final publication.

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