Neue Forschungspublikationen in Davis Theorien

Picture of Sarah Kramer

Davis Facilitator Sara Kramer recently completed a comparative group study exploring the underlying theory of the Davis approach, that dyslexics are primarily picture-thinkers and easily able to conceptualize imagined objects as being real. A report of her study, Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Wahrnehmungs Talent und Legasthenie?, was presented at the NADP (National Association of Disability Practitioners) 2015 International Conference, and has now been published in the peer-reviewed The Journal of Inclusive Practice in further and higher education (Problem 7,2016)

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2 Responses to Neue Forschungspublikationen in Davis Theorien

  1. Carol N. says:


    I was wondering if you would comment on the article written by Sara, who I admire for the work presented.

    I remember you were able to draw attention to details that normally people like me who are not used to reading such reports miss during the conference in Freibourg. I greatly appreciated your insights.
    Carol Nelson

    • Abigail M. says:

      Carol, The new issue of The Dyslexic Reader (Ausgabe 71 / summer 2016) has an in-depth article from Sara Kramer explaining her research. I think reading that may help you get a better understanding of her work.

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