New, Improved Site Search

Can’t find what you are looking for? The site search has now been upgraded to include a more comprehensive search for specialized content, as well as general information on pages. This will now include more information about downloadable forms and documents, as well as a more in-depth view of information in the knowledge base. The system also attempts to sort results by relevance, to increase the likelihood that the information you are looking for will show up among the first few results.

You’ll find the search bar at the top of the right sidebar when viewing the site in full screen mode. On narrower screens, such as smartphones and some tablets, scroll down the page to find it.

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2 Responses to New, Improved Site Search

  1. Abigail M. says:

    We have a topic about medications in the Knowledge Base, either under the “जानकारी” or “शेयरिंग” tabs.

    Here’s a direct linklook under the topic, “Drugs and Medications”:

  2. . says:

    I am looking for information about a medication a prospective client is taking. How to I get to the site with information about medications? He is on Desmorpressin acetate for bed wetting.

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