Lesblindum Reader Issue 75 nú í boði

Dyslexic Reader CoverThe latest issue of The lesblindur Reader (issue 75) er nú í boði for purchase. The issue is available in PDF format at our online store, at shop.dyslexia.com (Category: The lesblindur Reader).

The issue contains a new interview with Ron Davis and a profile of the implementation of Davis methods at Lalaji Memorial Omega International School in India, where 115 teachers have received training in Davis Learning Strategies.

One Man Who Cared…………………………………………… 1, 4
An Incredible Journey …………………………………… 1, 3, 5
Focus! Concentrate!……………………………………………. 6-7
Davis Learning Strategies Continues to Spread …..8
Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If?……………………..9, 18
In The News ………………………………………………………….13
Book Review ……………………………………………………..16
In Memory of William Edward Carter………………….18
In The Mail……………………………………………………………2
Lazy Reader Book Club………………………………… 14-15
Quotable Quotes ………………………………………………..17

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