Un altro problema del Dyslexic Reader – Problema 81 / 2020

The latest issue ofIl Dyslexic Reader(problema 81) adesso è disponibile for purchase.   The issue is available in PDF format at our online store, a shop.dyslexia.com (Categoria: Il Dyslexic Reader).  

Ecco una rapida panoramica dei contenuti di questo nuovo numero:

Now I’ve Got Wings……………………………………………1, 4-5
Overcoming Obstacles………………………………………. 1, 3
Davis strategie di apprendimento 100 Women Who Care …….6
Book Review – Don’t Let School Weigh You Down…..8
But Mom, when is it Wednesday?……………………….12
Improvement From Strength-Based Teaching…….13
The Most Valuable Things In Your Child’s Life……. 17
Understand Analog and Digital Time – With Clay……18

In The Mail……………………………………………………………2
Quotable Quotes ………………………………………………….9
Q&A……………………………………………………………… 10-11
Lazy Reader Book Club………………………………… 14-15

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