Spring Issue of the Dyslexic ReaderIssue 82 / 2020

The latest issue of The lesblindur Reader (issue 82) er nú í boði for purchase. The issue is available in PDF format at our online store, at shop.dyslexia.com (Category: The lesblindur Reader).

Here is a quick overview of the contents of this newest issue:

Taking On A New Challenge……………………………….1, 4-5
The Sociology of Dyslexia………………………………..1, 6-7
Gracie’s Story…………………………………………………………….8
Famous Dyslexics Remember…………………………………9
Quotable Quotes……………………………………………………..9
Dyslexia is My SUPERPOWER!……………………………..9
Visual Processing in Literacy………………………….12-13
Dyslexia Unlocked – A Facilitator’s Journey…………..17

In The Mail……………………………………………………….. 2-3
In The News: Web-Delivered Davis Programs….16
Q&A……………………………………………………………… 10-11
Lazy Reader Book Club………………………………… 14-15

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