This website now uses https:// secure protocol

This site has now been upgraded to use https:// secure protocol only. This means that when you come to the site you will see a lock icon in your browser bar:

https icon

What this means: Your connection to is encrypted, no matter whether you have logged in or not. That means that all information you submit to this web site is protected from intrusions.

Because you will automatically be redirected to the secure site and pages whenever you visit, this should not change your experience of browsing the site in any way. However, when you first visit, you may be prompted to login again, even if you visited quite recently and ticked theRemember mebox.

All Davis web sites that are maintained directly by DDAI on our US-based server have now been converted to https:// (SSL) protocol. In addition to improved security, the use of the https:// protocol should generally improve web site load times and also should give our sites a slight boost in search rankings (Google wants everyone to use SSL).

I have tested quite extensively and don’t think that you will encounter any problems while browsing our sitesbut if you do, please feel free to report using the contact form on whatever site you are on.

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